== Claus' Blog ==
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Writing a Hugo Raindrop.io bookmark integration with AI

#python #bookmarks #howto #blog #personal
bacardi55 [1] has an interesting bookmarks section on his blog, where a script generates Hugo markdown pages for bookmarks he has added to a central (self-hosted) bookmark manager. I found this very interesting and wanted to build something similar. I’ve been using raindrop. Read more...

I love Linux Mint

#linux #mint #ubuntu #opinion
Actually, I’ve been using Linux since SUSE 6.0 in 1998. My mother was a technical writer and one day she came home from work with a SUSE installation CD-ROM and manual. It was a completely new chapter for me, even though I had used a SINIX PC back in 1987. Read more...

Working with Hugo Themes (Part 2)

#hugo #git #howto #development #go
I was not happy with my local development workflow, which I described a few days ago [1], for one reason: The git submodule was inconvenient. After editing and testing my theme, I still had to push the new submodule reference to github, where the github actions workflow would build and deploy the new theme. Read more...