== Claus' Blog ==
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About Me

Claus Malter advises small and medium-sized companies as well as private customers in and around Munich. His range of services includes project management, design and realisation of technical solutions. His focus is on customised, comprehensible and always high-quality solutions. He works as a freelancer on a part-time basis and is therefore independent of customer orders and manufacturers.

He started his career at Siemens as an IT specialist for system integration, followed by a degree in business administration and mechanical engineering as a technical specialisation at the Technical University of Munich.

In addition to the development of customised solutions, he also offers support in the introduction and adaptation of standard software. His broad range of professional and technical experience makes him adaptable and always open to new questions and solutions.

Thanks to this versatile training and a high level of IT affinity in his private and professional environment, he has a solution proposal for many issues that is sustainably orientated towards the needs of the target group. He is very interested in making the solution as simple as possible in order to enable his customers to adopt the solution independently, but also provides long-term on-site and remote support.


For more information and to get in touch, please visit my website cmmx.de.