== Claus' Blog ==
Made with Hugo and ❤️

I love Linux Mint

linux mint ubuntu opinion
Actually, I’ve been using Linux since SUSE 6.0 in 1998. My mother was a technical writer and one day she came home from work with a SUSE installation CD-ROM and manual. It was a completely new chapter for me, even though I had used a SINIX PC back in 1987. Read more...

Working with Hugo Themes (Part 2)

hugo git howto development go
I was not happy with my local development workflow, which I described a few days ago [1], for one reason: The git submodule was inconvenient. After editing and testing my theme, I still had to push the new submodule reference to github, where the github actions workflow would build and deploy the new theme. Read more...

Working with Hugo Themes (Part 1)

hugo git howto development
I’m the kind of person who cares a lot about having a good looking theme for my blog before I even start creating content. In my first days of a new blogging life with Hugo, I looked at some simple themes. Read more...

A new beginning with Hugo

hugo linux development howto markdown
While installing and building a site with Hugo is not rocket science, I wanted to share some notes on my first steps. Maybe this will become a series. You need 5 things before you can run Hugo. In my trials, brew. Read more...